This Week at Chabad of Wallingford
Candle Lighting
Candle Lighting Times for
Friday, Jun. 5
8:04 pm
Torah Portion: Naso
Chabad of WallingfordEmail: [email protected]Phone: 203-675-9917www.JewishWallingford.org
Rabbi's Message
Message from the Rabbi
Dear Friends,

This week’s Torah portion, Naso, is the longest in the entire Torah.

The length is due, in part, to the descriptions of the gifts brought by each of the nesiim, the twelve tribal leaders, to dedicate the altar of the traveling sanctuary. These 12 leaders all brought the exact same offering, but instead of just describing it once and saying each leader did the same, the Torah repeats each one with all the identical details.

One reason for this is to remind us that the Divine service of each individual is important, even if it is identical to what everyone else is doing. When everyone is doing the same thing, it can sometimes be difficult to make your actions unique. When everyone is reading the same words from the prayer book, you may not feel like you are communicating adequately with G‑d.

So the Torah reminds us that we should each focus on our service, regardless of what everyone else is doing. G‑d looks at us as individuals and appreciates our work, both as individuals as well as part of the collective.

You can be your own person even within the crowd!

Shabbat Shalom!


Featured Event
Let's Welcome Shabbat Together!



Welcoming Shabbat Together… in Virtual Reality
Please join us this evening for a new weekly event: pre-Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat on ZOOM.

Click Link  password rkaplan               (ID 691-135-0748)

Join us at 7:00 for a pre- Shabbat get together on Zoom, wish each other a (pre) Shabbat Shalom, then move on to singing  Yedid Nefesh.

Following a few words about the upcoming Shabbat we then together we’ll sing the beginning of Kabbalat Shabbat (These prayers can be said before Shabbat begins)

click here for a PDF 

@ 7:20 we will sign off & women can then light candles, formally welcoming Shabbat at that moment.

Please do not light Shabbat candles or make Kiddush before joining the zoom.


Service Times
Weekly ZOOMS

Friday, 6/05        Pre- Kabbalat Shabbat Service

7:00 pm

Sunday, 6/07     Joshua and the Upstarts..

9:30 am

Wednesday 6/10    Curious Tales of the Talmud- Lesson 5

7:30 pm

Featured Event
Sunday Torah ZOOM

    Sunday, June 7 @ 9:30am

Joshua And The Upstarts

Joshua's reaction to a perceived threat of his beloved teacher, Moses.  This class will shed insight into Torah's perspective on leadership.

ZOOM click here   password rkaplan  (ID 691-135-0748)

Featured Event
Wednesday Torah ZOOM

 6 week course!   Wednesday, June 10 @ 7:30pm

Curious Tales of the Talmud
Lesson 5:  The Great Oven Debacle:

When the Rabbis Overruled a Heavenly Decision

After exhausting his arguments, Rabbi Eliezer makes a carob tree jump, reverses a stream of water, crumbles the walls of the study hall, and evokes a heavenly voice, all to make a point. What is so important about Rabbi Eliezer's message? How is it relevant to us today?

ZOOM click here   password rkaplan  (ID 691-135-0748)

This Week @
This Week @ www.JewishWallingford.org
George Floyd and the Healing of America
By the Numbers
15 Synagogue Facts Every Jew Should Know
As some synagogues are slowly reopening, let’s take a look at this staple of Jewish life.
Your Questions
Why Sing About Elijah After Shabbat?
What is the connection between Elijah the Prophet and Saturday night?
Just in Time
I was overjoyed by the boy’s suggestions and felt moved that one could still have the opportunity to write to the Rebbe today.
Parshah in a Nutshell

Parshat Naso

Completing the headcount of the Children of Israel taken in the Sinai Desert, a total of 8,580 Levite men between the ages of 30 and 50 are counted in a tally of those who will be doing the actual work of transporting the Tabernacle.

G‑d communicates to Moses the law of the sotah, the wayward wife suspected of unfaithfulness to her husband. Also given is the law of the nazir, who forswears wine, lets his or her hair grow long, and is forbidden to become contaminated through contact with a dead body. Aaron and his descendants, the kohanim, are instructed on how to bless the people of Israel.

The leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel each bring their offerings for the inauguration of the altar. Although their gifts are identical, each is brought on a different day and is individually described by the Torah.